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About Piercings

The Experience

When it comes to piercing, Malka is incomparable. With years of experience, we take great care in securing the best and most professional piercers in Israel.
We encourage you to schedule a piercing appointment with a head piercer or visit one of our global locations to learn about the different types of piercings for your specific anatomy or ask questions about healing, sizing, or aftercare.
Our piercings are done with the any earring from our piercing collection. Start shopping the collection here

Health and Safety

We take piercing very seriously and safety is second nature. Hygiene is our top priority. We use sterile one-time use needles and nitrile gloves, alongside a thorough sterilization process with a top-of-the-line autoclave to clean the jewelry. Part of our piercing experience also includes detailed aftercare instructions so you will quickly and completely heal your new look.

Piercing Glossary

1. LOBE – The lobe refers to the soft lower section of the ear. Many combinations of lobe piercings are possible for a unique look.

2. ANTITRAGUS – The antitragus is the triangular flap of ear that sits above the lobe, opposite of the tragus.

3. CONCH – The conch sits on the middle part of the inside ear. Rings extends across both the inner and outer ear. Alternatively, studs can be framed by the plane of the conch.

4. CONTRACONCH – A new style of piercing, the contraconch perches on the convex part of the ear between the conch and the helix.

5. HELIX – This type of piercing is located along the inside ridge of the upper ear. On either side of the helix sits the forward helix and the lobe.

6. FLAT – Next to the rook, the flat can be any part of the flat plane of the upper ear above the contraconch. This area is perfect for studs.

7. FORWARD HELIX – The forward helix is the frontal part of the ear that follows the helix. This is the flap of skin that helps connect the ear to the head.

8. ROOK – The rook piercing is a vertical piercing through the ridge in the inner ear closest to the head. Rings and curved barbells are ideal for this area.

9. DAITH – Between the tragus and rook, this subtle piercing is the perfect place to showcase a huggie.

10. TRAGUS – The tragus is the flap of skin that sits in front of the ear canal. Due to this location jewelry in the tragus can be seen when viewing the face straight-on.

Piercing aftercare

Your new piercing can take several months to heal depending on your piercing and your own body.

Clean the area twice a day with the Saline spray solution we provide during your piercing. Dry well afterward using a clean paper towel or using the cold setting on a hairdryer.

Be careful not to aggravate your new piercing. It is recommended to sleep on the non-pierced ear during the first few months to avoid friction or create pressure on the new hole.